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This blogspot was created by a college student only. He did not cure sick people carry the cross to Golgotha suffer and died to save all people. So he has the right to have irregularities.

Miyerkules, Agosto 27, 2014

Universe Hologram

The Universe Is A Hologram?

August 26, 2014 | By Janet Fang

Photo credit:    A Fermilab scientist works on the laser beams at the heart of the Holometer experiment. Holometer The twin laser interferometers will use to test whether the universe is a 2-D hologram / ​​Fermilab   

Read more and http: // www. iflscience.com/physics/universe-hologram#YAP1qmE0sffsJbop.99

Even with all their local hangouts, impossibly affordable apartments, and a dragon or two (or three), television characters and their whole lives exist on a 2D screen.  We are just as clueless about our seemingly 3D world?

Physicists Holometer experiment with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and want to know: Is our 3D space an illusion? The information about everything in our universe could actually be encoded in tiny packets that come in two dimensions - not unlike pixels up close on the TV screen - with the natural "pixel size" of space being much, much smaller than an atom.

"We want to find out whether space-time is a quantum system is just like matter," Fermilab's Craig Hogan says in a news release. Matter Continues to Jiggle as quantum waves Even when cooled to absolute zero: In the same way, digitized space shouldnt have built-in vibrations Even in its lowest energy state.

By measuring the "quantum jitter of space" - Which can be as small as a few billionths of a billionth of a meter - the holographic interferometer will test the limits of the universe's ability to store information.

Underground and just outside Chicago, a twin pair of interferometers is placed close together. .dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg dmg each one sends an one-kilowatt laser beam in a tube and a beam splitter, and then down two perpendicular arms about 40 meters long. The light is reflected back to the beam splitter where the two beams recombine. The outputs of the two photodiodes are correlated to measure the jitter of holographic space-time that the two L-shaped machines share. Fluctuations in brightness will be created if there's any motion.

Analyzing these fluctuations in the returning light allows researchers to see if the beam splitter moves a Certain way - that is, if it's being carried along on a jitter of space itself.

To Avoid distractions by other sources of vibrations, the Holometer tests so high a frequency - millions of cycles per second - that motions of normal matter are unlikely to interfere. Additionally, the experiment is designed to identify and noise eliminated from conventional sources, like radiowaves emitted by nearby electronics. 

"If we find a noise we can not get Rid of, we MIGHT be detecting something fundamental about nature - a noise that is intrinsic to space-time," Fermilab's Aaron Chou explains. "A positive result will open a whole new avenue of questioning about how space works." The team expects to Gather data over this coming year. 

Read more and http://www.iflscience.com/physics/universe-hologram#YAP1qmE0sffsJbop.99
Page Ref: http://www.iflscience.com/physics/universe-hologram

Wireless World

Wireless transformed the modern world. At first it was a means of individual communication, for sending telegraphic messages in Morse code without the need for connecting cables, hence the name ‘wire-less’. Two decades later radio signals were also being ‘broadcast’. Radio was entering the home, bringing information and entertainment, and anyone could ‘listen in’. The commonly used expression ‘listening in’ perfectly captured the shift from private and individual communication to public broadcasting accessible to everyone.

This exhibition of material draws on the Marconi collection now held in Oxford at the Museum of the History of Science and the Bodleian Library. It presents the first decades of the history of radio (or ‘wireless’), from Marconi’s pioneering experiments and demonstrations at the end of the 19th century to the beginning of public radio broadcasting in the 1920s.

ref: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/marconi/exhibition/

Revolt Against The Modern World Devolution

Revolt against the modern world devolution. Moreover, a libertarian society offers a framework Which functions can also traditionalism Within.

Page Ref: https://www.traditionalright.com/on-libertarian-universalism/

Lunes, Agosto 25, 2014


On this day in 1609 Galileo Galilei demonstrated his first telescope to the ruler of Venice, Leonardo Donato, and his council. Galileo had made the telescope by fitting a convex lens in one end of a lead tube and a concave lens in the other end. The prototype magnified by a factor of three. By 1610 he had boosted the magnification to a factor of 33 and discovered the moons of Jupiter.

ref: https://www.facebook.com/PhysicsToday
Welcome to the Modern World,

Can we say that this world is modern? Or were on just the stage of "modernization". How far can we reach, how far people can do, how modern can we be? What can people discover something new? What can it do, how works? Is there a time that will people just sit and relax the whole time and the technology do all the work? Is there a time that technology will overcome people? There are some questions I would like to answer/known by me or with the share of thoughts with others. I created this blog to also share my thoughts and my new things I knew/learned everyday.